80/20 Rule

December 08, 2022

Wavy purple line

80% of your rich leads are currently not seen (or not valued)

In July I analyzed the previous 6 months of 1st Party (Known) intent signals Marketing captured.

Here’s a top line summary:

🔥  19% of all the 1st Party signals were ‘high’ intent events (e.g. demo requests, contact us forms, and inbound calls).

🤷  81% of all the 1st Party signals came from individuals demonstrating some degree of interest (e.g. eBook downloads, webinar registrations, page visits).

Sales took action on every ‘high’ intent lead.

In contrast, 4 out of every 5 intent signals Marketing generated from known contacts received little to no love from Sales.  Why?  Because the intent was ‘unknown’.

Yet a significant percent of these intent signals came from:

👉  Former clients

👉  Former prospects

👉  Members of a Buying Group

👉  Prospects in our ICP

By isolating these rich signals and spoon-feeding the context to the Sales team, Marketing helped achieve a +20% lift in new pipeline generated and +10% incremental revenue growth in 90 days.

All from signals Sales historically didn’t see or didn’t value.

As macro economic worries demand that Marketing and Sales achieve more with less, there’s no time like the present to mine the valuable data you already have.

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